
What if your auto insurance expired?

Can you sue for injuries you receive in an auto accident even if your own insurance policy has expired?

Those who cause damage to others are responsible, under the law, to pay the injured person a sufficient sum of money to “make them whole.” The primary purpose of the insurance you buy for your own vehicle is to protect you from having to pay others for the damages and injuries you cause to them by your negligent actions–with limited exceptions, your insurance doesn’t pay you for your injuries, it protects you from the financial risk of having to pay someone you have injured. So, if the other party caused the accident, you can recover from them the reasonable value of your damages and injuries, regardless of whether you had insurance on your vehicle, or were driving on an expired license or expired tags. Keep in mind that the law of contributory negligence may apply to restrict all or a portion of your recovery if you shared in the responsibility for causing the accident. In Iowa, as long as the other party was more at fault than you, your injuries are still compensable, even if you were partly to blame for the accident. The bottom line is that whether you had insurance or not, you may be able to recover for your injuries, even if you think you were partly at fault in causing the accident. This depends on the law of your state and the facts of your case, so always consult an experienced personal injury lawyer after any accident in which you or a loved one is injured.

Call me today if you need help recovering for injuries you received in an auto accident. I will determine the responsibility of the other party and get you the money you deserve.