Warren County (2009).

Charges: Client charged with OWI-2nd, and three counts of child endangerment for having three children in car.  Negotiated dismissal of all child endangerment charges with minimum sentence on OWI-2nd plea.

Polk County (2008).

Charge: Class C felony conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine based on client’s purchase of large quantity of pseudoephedrine. Deferred judgment and probation.

Polk County (2008).

Charge: Conspiracy to deliver greater than 5 grams methamphetamine, Class B Felony.  Charges in State court dismissed.  Similar charges and forfeiture proceeding filed in Federal Court.  Handled forfeiture action, negotiating partial return of seized cash.

Warren County (2008).

Charge: Client was victim of identity theft.  Defendant arrested for probation violation.  Prior conviction was fraudulent.  Real violator was convicted using client’s I.D.  Prior OWI conviction overturned and criminal record corrected.

Lucas County (2007).

Charge: OWI-3rd, Class D Felony.  Negotiated plea to OWI-2nd to avoid felony conviction.

Warren County (2007).

Charge: OWI-3rd, Class D Felony.  Negotiated plea to OWI-2nd.  Sentence 60 days jail with work release privileges, and probation.

Wayne County (2006).

Charge:  Felony drug possession.  Amended to serious misdemeanor.  Client served 48 hours.

Ringgold County (2005).

Charge:  Failure to register as sex offender.  Charge dismissed with costs taxed to state.